Dedicated to helping you exceed your financial expectations.


Our Mission

Our mission is simple, to help guide Millennial professionals through our adaptive financial coaching program which will guide them to a life of abundance! Our process has been developed from many of the same strategies used by the wealthiest Americans for generations but we adapted those concepts for the world we are living in today and for all our clients to be able to take advantage of. It is a strategic approach that takes into consideration all areas of a person’s balance sheet, not just their investable wealth. Learn more about our mission and our unique approach on our blog and through our video content.


Achieving Your Goals

We help Gen-X and Gen-Y find their way through the financial minefield we all face today, it’s not the world our parents grew up in. From dealing with debt, volatile markets, uncertainty of the future, political and geopolitical instability, countless investment and insurance products, so-called money “gurus”, even our parents telling us what they did and what we should do, our “smart” uncle who thinks he knows it all, the countless websites, podcasts, Youtube channels and social media influencers who say they know how to game the system; we have so many financial information inputs, it can be overwhelming. The goal of AFG is to simplify the cacophony of bullsquat and break it into simple digestible steps, to be a guide for our clients to achieve their greatest financial goals, to answer the questions that keep them awake at night and build a plan around their unique objectives. No more guessing the number, no more hoping for enough, no more scarcity mindset, it’s about actionable, powerful ideas that are combined to create a well orchestrated financial plan for each individual client for their individual situation, no matter how complex it may seem!


Our goal is to help young professionals create a more focused and fulfilled financial strategy. We work with professionals making $150,000 or more but we don’t actually worry about investable assets, our job is to help you build that number. Our main focus is to help clients who are willing to be coachable and adopt a strategic approach that may not be what they’ve heard in the mainstream but will offer a much more powerful financial plan which creates more leverage, liquidity, protection, growth and legacy opportunities while reducing risk and income taxes in the future! We are about the long game not the short game and this gives our clients an advantage in the future because they are prepared for anything.


Once enrolled in the process, we create a financial foundation built from guarantees, liquidity, safety and growth focused asset blending. Once we have that in place our goal is to help our clients reduce their anxiety around an uncertain future and start to coach them on how to structure and utilize their assets in the best way today. By having guarantees built into their financial plans it leaves a lot less to chance, reduces risk and creates a much more stable strategy. We pride ourselves on giving our clients true peace of mind and the gift of knowing, no matter what happens in the markets, their financial future is secure and they won’t have to worry about outliving their money. That is the best outcome we can imagine achieving for our clients and the generations to come after them.


“Strategic planning is far superior to tactical planning.”

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The Story of The Abundance Method

History is funny, it’s about the past, what has been done, accomplished, lost or gained in the time that has passed us by. The Abundance Group is fresh, it is a new firm but we are focused on providing clients a strategic process that has been proven by hundreds of years of success. Our Abundance Method™ utilizes a unique blend of products, strategies, insights and portfolio strategies that have been used by the wealthiest people in this country since the early 1900’s. It is amazing to think that these planning styles have fallen out of favor in the mainstream market but it has. It has because the way advisors do planning today makes them more money, makes the insurance company, the bank, the broker-dealer, WAY more money from the client in the long run.

The Abundance Method™ is all about preserving, growing, protecting and utilizing a client’s wealth, structuring their plan in the CLIENT’S best interest, NOT in the best interest of an insurance company or financial institution. Most advisors are never taught these time proven strategies and cannot comprehend that the work they do for their clients isn’t always in the client’s best interest.

When you work with Abundance Financial Group advisors and implement The Abundance Method™, you’ll be introduced to a process and strategy that puts current financial tactics into perspective; it will help clarify the key differences between tactical planning from traditional advisors and strategic planning, like The Abundance Method™. You will feel empowered, knowing your money is protected and growing for the future. That your hard earned wealth will be there for you when you need it or when you decide it’s time to use it. The Abundance Method™ is about options, flexibility, freedom and control; it’s about you and your goals and what you think is best for the future. Deciding to work with an AMP advisor is taking a step toward a future filled with opportunity…so what are you waiting for? Reach out today and let us help you get started down the path to Abundance.